Funds For Services
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Manitoba offers the Self and Family Managed Care Program to eligible home care recipients. The program offers money in exchange for home care services which can be used to hire private care or a care company such as Comforts of Home – Care. By going this route, not only do you have a say about who comes into your home, you can ensure consistency and quality of care.
How Self/Family Managed Care (S/FMC) works:
1. You must live in your own home, apartment or assisted living facility
2. Ask your existing home-care Case Coordinator about the S/FMC or phone the Intake Line directly at (204) 788-8330 to apply.
3. Complete the application form. You may ask Comforts of Home – Care for help to fill out the application form.
4. Your coordinator will assess how many hours of care you are eligible for.
5. Open a separate bank account to manage the funds.
6. Funding will be on its way and will be subject to a regular audit (Keep our invoices!)
7. Your RHA will continue to provide equipment and supplies (gloves, pads, etc) and visits from Nurses and Community Therapy Services.
The package of information you receive is fairly thick! The application process may seem daunting! If you have questions or need assistance in any way, we are happy to help with the application. Remember, by hiring a care company, we take care of all the complicated items, like hiring staff, paying source deductions, WCB, and replacing staff on holidays.
Assurance and Peace of Mind:
RHA home care services require family to provide a back-up plan for services as the services are not guaranteed.
At Comforts of Home – Care we take your care seriously! We are the back up plan! If a companion fails to arrive at their shift, we are alerted electronically. We are on-call 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to deal with any emergency that may arise. Family or clients can have peace of mind knowing they can completely rely on our services.